upon further review

The third book in a series following the previous When Squiggy Met Mule and The Old Man's Request. This one picks up where The Old Man's Request leaves off.

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Location: Poteau, Oklahoma, United States

I'm in my late 40s living in a small town in southeastern Oklahoma.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Chapter 15

The two men were not the talkative types. They had been by themselves way too much and really didn’t much like dealing with other people.

Jimmy Don didn’t have much trouble finding the man. He had a pretty good idea where he would hide and searched that area. The other man was hidden well and probably wouldn’t have been found by ninety-nine percent of the people.

The man was a little shocked that anybody could find him. He was hidden well, not great but he didn’t expect company. Especially since he was in a little opening on a hill overlooking the property owned by the men.

His name was Sonny Windham. He had a problem with these men and planned on stopping whatever they were trying to do.

He still wasn’t sure what was going on, just knew it wasn’t good. Sonny had rescued Jimmy Don when the dogs were after him. They were hard shots for most people, but not for Sonny.

He hated to kill a dog since his best friend was a mixed breed dog named Maggie. If anybody ever shot her, they would soon find out if the bright light really shined when a person passed away.

After the initial greetings, the two men watched the men below and talked things over. They both had some ideas on what was happening.

They were both wrong.


It was the remote location and the low cost of land that originally attracted the leaders of the group to set up in this location, some ten miles out of Langford.

They had hoped that nobody would notice. Most of them were from larger places and had no idea how people in rural locations shared information.

The first few tracts of land were rather easy to buy. But after that, the price continued to rise. Now, it was almost ridiculous. But the price was still less than most location. Plus, they had spent so much money now, it wouldn’t be feasible to relocate.

But it wasn’t like money was an issue. They had all the money they could possibly need. To accomplish what they were going to do did not come cheap. Fortunately, there were some deep pockets behind this venture.

The property they had purchased so far was deeded TechIK, Inc. Nobody really knew what that stood for aside from the main leaders. TechIK was buried under enough Nevada corporations that it would take a long time and a smart attorney to figure out who actually owned all this.

If everything worked according to plans, they would be out of here in six months. The land and all the improvements would be left behind. Somebody would get a good deal out of a tax sale in a few years.

These men didn’t care. By then, if they were still alive, they would all be scattered and wealthy enough that they could live wherever.


The two men carrying him bumped his head against the concrete step, waking Albert up.

It took a few seconds for him to figure out where he was and what was going on. Two men were carrying him down the stairs to something dark. He figured that out quickly. After the taller man hit the light switch, Albert realized that it was a storm cellar.

This just wouldn’t work, he decided. Albert and enclosed places did not get along. He started bucking and trying to pull away, not that it did much good. The big guy was strong as an ox and wasn’t letting go.

The smaller man kneed Albert in the side, making him calm down.

“What’re you doing?” Albert asked. This was not good. The person he had been hired to kill was now holding him captive. Albert expected a good beating from them in hopes of coughing up information.

They didn’t have any idea what they were going against. Albert wouldn’t give up information. It didn’t matter what these men did, it couldn’t even come close to what his boss and his people could do.

They threw the man on the bed, still with each man holding on to one arm and a leg.

“Sit on him, Big Uns,” Squiggy said.

“Do what?” Albert said.

“Uh, on his face?” she said. Now that wouldn’t be a bad deal, Big Uns decided. The little guy was kind of cute.

“Crap no,” Squiggy said. “I don’t reckon he could handle the smell.”

“What’d you mean by that, Squiggy?”

“Nothing. Just sit on his chest.”

“I don’t wanna sit on the dude’s chest. Why me?”

“Cause you’s the biggest,” Mule said. He regretted his entry into the conversation after she glared at him.

“What Mule meant to say was we need you to hold him down while we tie him up,” Squiggy said.

“We’re gonna tie him up?” Big Uns asked. She was feeling a little better about this captivity thing now.

“Why’re you smiling?” Squiggy said.

“Uh, no reason.” She sat down on the man, making him grunt loudly.

“That hurt?” Mule asked.

Albert nodded. He was having trouble breathing. This woman’s rear was staggering. “Can’t breathe!”

“It’ll just be a second,” Squiggy said.

That was no consolation for the man. He expected one of his ribs to break any second. The two men were tying his wrists to the bedpost. After they finished, they each grabbed an ankle and tied it to the other bedposts.

After the man was secured, Squiggy said, “you can get up now, Big Uns.”

“Oh,” she said, looking a little disappointed. Big Uns slowly stood, her head getting in close proximity to Albert’s privates.

“Watch your hand, woman!” Andrew said.

“Oh, sorry,” she said. Big Uns was still smiling as she stood and looked the man over.

“What’re we gonna do with him?” Mule said.

“We need to find out what he was doing here,” Squiggy said. He leaned down and slapped the man across the face. “Hey, why were you wanting to shoot me?”

Albert clammed up and wouldn’t say a word. Squiggy grabbed hold of the man’s nipples and pulled and twisted really hard. The man groaned, but still would not talk.

“Crud, he wouldn’t talk even after I gived him a titty twister,” Squiggy said.

“Let’s stick a bottle rocket up his rear and light it,” Mule said.

“Now how in the crap would that make him talk?”

“I don’t know if it would. But it’d be kinda funny, eh?”

Squiggy giggled. Now that would be cool. He tried to remember where his fireworks were stashed. But then he thought of something better. “I know what’ll make him talk!”

“What’s that?” Mule said.

“Turn on the music, Big Uns!”

“Why?” she said.

“Cause you’s gonna dance for him!”

Big Uns turned on a CD player to some country music. Slow, old timey country music. She started dancing to the music.

“Hee hee,” Squiggy said. “Look, he can’t handle it!”

The man was squirming and grimacing. This was indeed tough to take. “Don’t let her do that,” he said.

“You gonna talk?” Squiggy said.

He shook his head.

“Okay, Big Uns, start taking your clothes off!”

Albert watched as Big Uns moved closer and started to remove her bra. “No!” he said. “I’ll talk!”


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